Friday, January 25, 2008

Thank God for wonderful music...

I really praise God for Shane and Shane. God has blessed them with the ability to sing and play instruments.

As some of you know...when i get a new CD i keep it in my car playing over and over again and learn all of the songs and i even know what song is going to come up next without looking at the CD...i know im pretty weird, OH and i dont ever get sick of the CD. So i finally decide to change the CD when i get a new CD or until i feel like listening to something else. Well my latest CD was Alicia Keys...that CD has been in my car for the longest time. BUT this week i wanted to listen to my Shane and Shane CD.

Yesterday i was driving home from my sister Brenda's house from visiting my niece Kenedy. This time my car ride was a little different. I was listening to Before The Throne Of God Above, but the Shane and Shane version...wonderful! This verse really hit me:

"...because a sinless Savior died, my sinful soul is counted free;
for God, the Just, is satisfied, to look on Him and pardon me..."

When i sang this part of the song...oh my! heart was filled with so much joy. I really started to praise God for sending His son, Jesus Christ, to die on the cross for ALL of my wretched sin that i commit day after day and He still gives me the free gift of Eternal Life with Him FOREVER!!!! The whole song brings much joy to my heart, but that part of the song made my eyes water. I listened to the song twice in a row and both times i cried, because God is just SO SO SO GOOD TO US!!!! And so many times I take advantage of His love for me, and get scared when i have an opportunity to say something that has to do with Him....why? Because so many of the times we "fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather fear him who can destroy both soul and body in hell." (Matthew 10:28) This verse is so scary to me! But i really praise God for my Shane and Shane CD and wonderful music that helps us give thanks to Him.

Thank God for wonderful music.


PJ Tibayan said...

Yeah I like that song. Thank you for reminding me to sing songs and listen to them with a more God perspective. Love you sis and I can't wait til you come out here and see DC, you'll love it! Keep singing all loud :0

My name is Frances said...

Boooo, update!