Sunday, February 10, 2008

Deal or No Deal???

Last Sunday i was meeting with a couple of friends at Starbucks...we're going through a book called, "Spiritual Disciplines For The Christian Life"...very good book. Well i came to realize that i love the internet too much and it takes up a lot of my time. So, i made a deal with some one...the deal was:

I CANNOT GO ON THE INTERNET FOR 6 DAYS...i thought to myself...that is impossible, how am i going to do this? I had mixed emotions. I wanted to try and do this, but at the same time i was thinking that i was going to be soooo bored and i was going to have nothing to do! Oh no! But boy was i wrong...i got to read and spend time a lot more time with my mom.
The other part of the deal was that he could not play the sport that he loves...BASKETBALL. But i gave him an exception...he can only play 1 day.

"DEAL OR NO DEAL?" were the words that came out of his mouth as he watched me think and be bugged by the thought.

I said, "DEAL!"

That night as i was driving home bothered and in disbelief i was imagining my week without my laptop and the internet (we messed around and called it my lover). As i was on the freeway i started praying to God and asking Him to help me get through this and grow me. I finally felt like i could do this! I text him when i got home and thanked him for this challenge...BY GODS GRACE I GOT THROUGH THE WEEK...SO DID HE!!!

I'm not going to was very hard at first. I was so tempted to at least check my email, but i didn't even do that. I wanted to learn self-discipline and control and it was accomplished!

Thank you Lord for challenges like these that grow us closer to you!


My name is Frances said...

wow what a deal! Praise God sissy, what a blessing to be able to fill that spot with much wanted and needed nourishment in other areas (reading, relationships, homework, etc.). I need to make a deal too but I don't know to what? Let me think...

Love ya and Elijah says "nosey" :)

Rubyellen said...

Sissy?!! Who says sissy these days?!! I agree what a deal. Yeah, I have to give my self time limits online or else... my kids would be drowning in dirty diapers!!! Praise God! But we have missed you in the blogging space...

jOi-C said...

brave brave woman!!! haha proud of you tho! it's way too easy to spend endless hours on the i'm doing right now...ack!