Friday, January 25, 2008

Thank God for wonderful music...

I really praise God for Shane and Shane. God has blessed them with the ability to sing and play instruments.

As some of you know...when i get a new CD i keep it in my car playing over and over again and learn all of the songs and i even know what song is going to come up next without looking at the CD...i know im pretty weird, OH and i dont ever get sick of the CD. So i finally decide to change the CD when i get a new CD or until i feel like listening to something else. Well my latest CD was Alicia Keys...that CD has been in my car for the longest time. BUT this week i wanted to listen to my Shane and Shane CD.

Yesterday i was driving home from my sister Brenda's house from visiting my niece Kenedy. This time my car ride was a little different. I was listening to Before The Throne Of God Above, but the Shane and Shane version...wonderful! This verse really hit me:

"...because a sinless Savior died, my sinful soul is counted free;
for God, the Just, is satisfied, to look on Him and pardon me..."

When i sang this part of the song...oh my! heart was filled with so much joy. I really started to praise God for sending His son, Jesus Christ, to die on the cross for ALL of my wretched sin that i commit day after day and He still gives me the free gift of Eternal Life with Him FOREVER!!!! The whole song brings much joy to my heart, but that part of the song made my eyes water. I listened to the song twice in a row and both times i cried, because God is just SO SO SO GOOD TO US!!!! And so many times I take advantage of His love for me, and get scared when i have an opportunity to say something that has to do with Him....why? Because so many of the times we "fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather fear him who can destroy both soul and body in hell." (Matthew 10:28) This verse is so scary to me! But i really praise God for my Shane and Shane CD and wonderful music that helps us give thanks to Him.

Thank God for wonderful music.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008


I decided to go to the gym...oh boy i haven't been there in FOREVER and I'm paying for membership...what a waste! Well lets see how long i can keep this up...i want to go at least 3 times a week....the end!

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

I dont want to say, "bye"

I don't want you to go. I don't want to cry when i think of you being away. I don't want to get sad when i think of you. I don't want to change my desktop picture at work, but i have to because looking at it will make me want to hold you. I don't want you to forget who i am. I don't want to not see you for 4 months, but Lord knows that this is better than you staying here with "Auntie". I only have 1 MORE DAY WITH HIM! Elijah i don't want you to go. I am going to miss you tremendously. The thought of dropping you off tomorrow after hanging out with Auntie makes me cry...imagine how much more im going to cry when it actually happens. Oh my!! Elijah, will you remember Auntie? I hope you do!

I know that this is all in God's sovereign hands. He is good through ALL of this and must be glorified. I don't want to make Elijah my god and love him more than our God. I pray that God would use this situation to grow me and show me my sin. Lord, help me get through this and love you more than Elijah and my selfishness.

It is almost time to say our farewells. There were a couple of times Yek said to me, "pretty soon your gonna see how i feel." He is referring to Elijah being gone. I told him that i don't want to know how it feels, but God has brought us this far, finally saying bye, for a reason. On the other hand, im excited for my sister and brother, PJ. They are finally going to reunite with their son, Lord willing on Saturday. God has given them the ability of being separated from their son for 19 days. Praise God my sister hasn't went crazy...haha she already is...j/k sis.

Well Elijah i love you very much and Lord willing i will see you in about 4 months when your little Pan Dulce, sister Key, comes out of mommy's tummy.

Elijah, I don't want to say..."bye".

Tuesday, January 15, 2008


YEK!!!! Wow...big boy now! I thank God for our friendship and all of the laughs we've had are a crazy man!Who does this crazy stuff?? YOU!! (haha "i wasn't even gonna say it cuz i know you were.")

I praise God for growing you so much while your in MN and still seeking Christ by being an example to your friends out there...but you don't have very many friends...j/k. Keep on seeking God and don't give up! I pray that He would continue to grow you and use you for His glory. Hang in there and enjoy God as much as you can while your away...I know that He put you out there for a reason that we do not know completely and might not understand, but God knows why. I would like to see what God has shown you in the time that your out there when you come back, Lord willing. Happy birthday...again for the 10th time! I hope that you have a nice day out there and be good....haha j/k. I miss and love you and i will see you SOON!!

Monday, January 14, 2008

A Day with Elijah

On Saturday i got to spend ALL day with Elijah...i picked him up from the Diamond Bar house (PJ's parents house), as I walked in I hear Elijah say, "A-tie!, up up" so i picked him up and he looks at me and gives me nosies and smiles. We came to my house and he played with mama and papa, grandma and grandpa, for a while. Soon after we went to the La Puente Mall and shopped a little. He was such a good boy...usually he wants "up" from his stroller, but praise God he just watched the kids play with the ball in Old Navy, in his stroller. We finally came home and i was supposed to go somewhere with my posse, like my sister would say, but i decided not to go because Elijah was here and i didn't want to leave him...then i got a call from a friend asking me if i wanted to go to a party...woohoo party! j/k...and i said to him, "no, because I'm supposed to go somewhere", but never ended up going anywhere and that is very unusual for me on a Saturday, BUT I wanted to spend as much time with Elijah...and i did. =) we played and laughed and ate all day and night...nothing new. He was so tired, but didn't want to go to sleep. Finally around 10:30 p.m. he wanted to lay on the bed with Auntie and watch what she was doing on her i decided to take picture while he lays on Auntie. But all he wanted to do was touch Aunties nose and do nosies...I loved every moment i had with him...soon he was really tired and wanted to lay down...on Aunties stomach...I love him!! =) I'm going to miss him sooooooo much when he leaves me...=( but its ok...God is in control and His plans are much more better than mine. I know God is good in this whole situation, like He was with Yek, my sister, and PJ moving.

FINALLY, it was time to sleep. He didn't want to sleep...just i had to pretend like i was sleeping so he could sleep, but he just sucked on his thumb and rubbed my face gently. As i was laying there peeking with my right eye i could just see him starring at me. I wanted to cry but held it in...i am going to miss him and all of these times that i spent with him. OH MY!! Elijah slept with me on my bed...boy is he a crrrrazy sleeper...that boy had me at the edge of the bed and was almost on top of me, but i did not want to move him because i didn't want him to wake up. There was a couple of times where he would cry a little and i would rub his back and he would say, "Nooo!" and i would laugh in my head and smile and try to go back to sleep. It was a sleepless night for me, but i had absolutely no problem! It feels good to sleep next to someone you love!

Saturday, January 12, 2008

I finally joined...

The blogging group. I always wanted to create one, but i never did. So, today i decided to actually do it! So welcome to my blogspot...hope you all enjoy reading how God is working in my life and other little stories i decide to tell you all . Have fun!